Picking and selecting a perfect cigar can be a daunting task for both cigar connoisseur and novice smoker. Joining a monthly cigar club is an ideal option where you can find beautifully crafted, tasteful, and a pleasure to smoke cigars. With the best cigar club monthly subscription, you will able to discover some of the most exceptional cigars all around the world without leaving the comfort of your home.

In these cigar boxes, you will get hard to find premium quality, hand-curated cigars, a card with the information related to each of the cigars, pairing and tasting suggestions, and cigar accessories like cigar cutter, lighter, ashtray, and much more. And if you are looking for a gift for cigar enthusiasts, then you should check out these cigar clubs.

Try new and fantastic cigars without worry about these cigars of the month clubs.

List of Best Monthly Cigar Subscription Clubs Reviews

Below is the list of all the best cigar clubs for the coming month.

1. Cigar of the Month Club

Get Premium hand-rolled cigar each month by subscribing to the cigar of the month club. They partner with one of the best brands to provide their subscriber’s exceptional and rare cigars. Subscribe to Cigar of the Month Club and enjoy some of the most extraordinary cigars available all around the world.

What’s inside: In each shipment, you will receive five premium quality and unique cigars.

Price: $29.95 per month

2. CigarClub.com

They provide customized cigar subscription services. You have to fill out a questionnaire, in which they asked your likes and dislike and offers you different options related to the subscription program(3-months,6-months, or annual), strength preferences ( mild and medium, medium or full), and a quantity ( number of cigars per shipment). You will be offered a cigar that ideally suits you.

What’s inside: Each package holds hand-picked cigars, cutters, matches, and a card with relevant information.

Price: Starts at $26.99 per month for three cigars.

3. Original Premium Cigar Club

Each month, you will get a professionally selected cigar. The staff has tasted thousands of cigars each year to choose the best for you. Each cigar has come in a different size, shape, and tobacco blend. They also shipped internationally at a surcharge.

What’s inside: Five hand-rolled premium and hard to find cigars, and a newsletter includes the cigar specification, tasting notes, profiles of cigar makers, and drink pairing suggestions.

Price: $27.95 per month plus $5 for shipping

4. Rare Cigar Club

The rare cigar brings you the rare and unique cigars each month. The subscription includes a cigar of a wide variety of shapes, sizes, tobacco blends, and a newsletter from renowned brands like Macanudo, Cohiba, Carlos Torano, and Graycliff.

What’s inside: You will get four hand-rolled, small-batch cigars made with perfect aged tobacco with a retail value of $12-$25 per cigar.

Price: $43.95 per month

5. Stogiebird

Stogiebrid provides you with the best variety of cigars, personally curated. They offer a variety of subscription options to choose from, with frequently added new products.to keep the cigar fresh, every package is packed in a reusable humidor. Stogiebird works with big brands to small manufacturers to give you the best.  Also, you are given the liberty of change, cancel or renew subscription anytime.

What’s inside: Personally curated cigars. The quantity of cigars depends on the option you choose (2, 5, or 8).

Price: Starts at $20 per month.

6. Corona Cigar Company

Corona cigar offers the finest, international, handmade cigars at affordable prices. They are partners with a top-class brand from all over the world to deliver you a perfect blend each month. You can easily reorder your favorite cigars, and they offer an attractive discount on becoming a member.

What’s inside: Each pack contains six unique cigars assorted in different sizes and blend, a pamphlet with a piece of information regarding each cigar, and a free torch lighter.

Price: $24.95 each month plus a shipping charge of $4.95.

7. Thompson Cigar

One of the oldest cigar companies that not only disseminate cigars but also manufacture them. They have a wide variety of cigar that allows you to discover new tastes and flavors regularly. Besides, they offer a different subscription option to choose from: 3-month, 6- months, 9-month, and annual. The best feature is you can join Thompson’s Cigar Reward Program for free and earn reward points on your monthly subscription.

What’s inside: Five exceptional cigars, cigar cutter, Thompson, monthly newsletter.

Price: $29.95 per month

8. Gotham Cigars

Gotham cigar is the perfect option for novice smokers. They provide you with samples to get to know your favorite type of smoke. Once you find the right cigar, you can purchase a whole box to enjoy.  They offer four different membership clubs: silver (1-month), gold (3-months), diamond (6 months), and platinum (annual). Every month you will be delivered fresh, and hand-rolled cigars that feature the best brands like Rocky Patel, Cohiba, Gurkha, and many more.

What’s inside: Each shipment comes with five premium quality cigars, matches, Gotham cigar cutters, and a newsletter.

Price: $29.95-$299.99 per month. No shipping cost

9. Southern Cigar Co

it is a monthly cigar subscription box that introduces you to the best cigars in the world. Each month, you will be delivered hand-picked quality cigars to your doorstep. After subscribing to Southern cigar, the plan renews itself after every month.  A southern cigar can be your top choice if you are searching for a perfect gift for a cigar lover. Their service is available worldwide.

What’s inside: Each shipment includes four different cigars, a triple torch lighter, a double guillotine cutter, and an informational card that describe each cigar you received.

Price: $37.95 per month

10. Cigars International Cigar of the Month Club

One of the largest cigar distributors in the US. With Cigar international subscription, you will get all: the rare, the high quality, the small-batch, and the latest releases. They offer two different subscription programs: the original club and the double-decker. The only difference is with a double-decker subscription; you will receive a cigar from different brands. Besides, they also sell cigar accessories like an ashtray, cigar cutter, lighters, cigar rests, and humidors. They will never disappoint you with their service.

What’s inside: Every month you will get 4 or 8 premium quality, hand-curated cigars, a newsletter, and a cigar cutter in the initial shipment.

Price: $19.95-$29.95 per month.

11. Small Batch Cigar

it is a cigar subscription for those who smoked a cigar regularly. For novice smokers, they offer a Davidoff surprise sampler at a price you selected. Every month, small-batch cigars surprise you with a quantity of cigars, you might get two or eight cigars. To keep their product unique and exciting, they only offer a limited subscription spot. So subscribe now, before it’s too late. You can cancel your subscription anytime. Free shipping available within a country.

What’s inside: The quantity of cigars varies from 2 to 8. The box also includes a Boveda pack with every order.

Price: Starts at $30 a month.

12. Cigar Federation Store

Cigar federation store brings the ultra-rare, coveted cigar, and you will get a chance to explore new and different cigars at a reasonable cost. They provide an exciting selection of unique handmade cigars from top blenders. You get to choose from varied subscription offer based on the number of cigars.  If you subscribe to a 10 or 20 cigars pack, you will get cigars from five separate brands. You can skip a month when you do not want deliveries without even getting charged.

What’s inside: Every month you will receive 5, 10, or 20 quality cigars depending on the number of cigars you choose.

Price: starts at $39.95 per month

13. CIGAR.com

Cigar.com is different from all other subscription boxes. They not only offer a premium blend cigar, but a cigar recommended by experts along with classic cigars so you can enjoy different flavors. You have a choice between two different membership options: Original club (five rare cigars each month), Double club (two cigars each from five unique cigars). Each box is a bit themed based on any region, same wrappers, and flavor blend. In the first month of subscription, you will get five cigars with three bonus cigars and a cigar cutter.

What’s inside: The package contains one featured cigar, two recommended cigars, two everyday cigars, and a monthly newsletter.

Price: $29.99 per month.

14. Privada Cigar Club

Privada cigar club brings you the rare, aged, noteworthy cigars. Take a taste profile survey to tell them about your taste and likes, and every month, you will be shipped a hand-curated cigar that perfectly matches your taste. A great subscription for the cigar lover, they offer the cigar that you cannot find anywhere else.

What’s inside: Each month you will receive Boveda certified pouch contains three rare, aged, limited edition cigars with a review of cigars, pairing notes, and tasting notes.

Price: $25.99 plus shipping per month.

Wrap Up

We tried to cover each best cigar club boxes so our readers will choose any of them easily. If you like any other cigar clubs and that one is not mentioned in our list. Then comment below or contact us, we will review and update the article to provide more products to our readers!!!

You will also want to know about monthly food subscription boxes, so you will stay healthy and fit with this type of cigars too.

Also, tell us below which one do you like and why???

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