M&Ms are a candy that should always be stocked in your pantry. When I initially started eating gluten-free a few years ago, one of the first things I wondered was whether or not M&Ms contained gluten.
The quick answer is yes. However, they are not gluten-free products verified by the Gluten Intolerance Company. If it was, they would have that fancy stamp indicating that they are certified to be gluten-free, which would provide you a considerable rise in the amount of peace of mind you have. They have approved more than 60,000 different goods, so who knows?
According to the ingredient list, some flavors of M&Ms do contain gluten, so you need to be cautious and read the labels carefully to avoid becoming sick from eating them.

Which M&M flavors do not include gluten?
Even though they have not been tested or verified to be gluten-free, they appear to be a safe candy option. Nima Sensor conducted a speedy investigation, and their research findings may be seen on this page for your convenience in making your choice.
The following is a list of the many gluten-free M&M varieties, along with a link to the ingredients listed on their website:
• Almond M&Ms
• Milk Chocolate M&Ms
• Coffe Nut M&Ms
• Peanut Butter M&Ms
• Peanut M&Ms
• Carmel M&Ms
• Thai Coconut M&Ms
• M&Ms minis
M&M’s Original Milk Chocolate Nutrition Info
• Total Fat: 10g 15%
• Trans Fat: 0g
• Saturated Fat: 6g 30%
• Cholesterol: 5mg 2%
• Vitamin A: 0%
• Sodium: 30mg 1%
• Dietary Fiber: 1g 4%
• Total Carbohydrate: 34g 11%
• Sugars: 30g 0
• Iron: 2%
• Protein: 2g
• Calcium: 4%
• Vitamin C: 0%
Bottom Line
Considering everything, I believe it is reasonable to say that M&Ms can be ingested while adhering to a gluten-free diet. Always use your best judgment, especially considering your gluten sensitivity. M&Ms are worth looking into, even if only you can honestly know what is best for you.